Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thavikkudhu thayangudhu

It’s a cool, beautiful morning, it feels like it had rained the previous night. The puddles on the road are carefully avoided by kids on the way to school, who are mostly on foot or on their cycles as the school bus doesn’t come to this street. Their uniforms still look new with the bright shiny badges that announce which school they belong to. The girls giggle and whisper to each other and the boys loudly discuss a cricket match they watched on TV a few days ago. You still have time to get ready to go to work but this scene, the sight of school kids makes you wonder about your own days at school. Not sure if you enjoyed every day, you turn to go about your routine when this zippy song comes on neighbour’s radio.


  1. Must have been a Monday morning in June if the uniforms still looked new. That would explain the rains as well. And looking back at school days always offered the best view, if you ask me.

  2. Correct, June morning. Wonder how I missed mentioning it!
